“through and through”这个英文短语的意思是“彻底地,完全地”。它通常用来形容某事物的特性或某人的性格是完全、彻底的,没
through and through 完全,彻底;彻头彻尾地 双语例句 原声例句 权威例句 1. I am a dog person through and through, but I think caring for an animal of any kindhelps people develop compassion for other living things. 我完全是名爱狗人士,但我认为照顾任何一种动物都会帮助人们对其他事物同情心的发展...
through and through基本解释 through and through的解释 货真价实; 彻头彻尾地; 完全地; 完全,彻底; 彻头彻尾的 through and through是什么意思 through and through情景对话 Borrow books-(借书) through and through A:Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?
through and through汉语翻译 完全, 彻底through and through英语解释 副词through and through: throughout the entire extent 同义词:throughthrough and through例句 Mary knew children through and through. After all, she had brought up six of her own. 玛丽非常了解小孩。她自己的6个孩子都是她亲手带大的...
through and through 完全地;彻底地;彻头彻尾地 thoroughly 完全地;非常,极其;彻底地 拓展训练 1.I am a dog personthrough and through, but I think caring for an animal of any kind helps people develop compassion for other living things.
通过"through and through"理解"货真价实",我们首先需要解析"through"一词的含义。"through"在英文中表示从头到尾、彻底或全面。它强调的是完整性与全面性,即某个事物从开始到结束,从表面到内部,没有任何遗漏或不完整之处。当我们使用"through and through"这一短语时,它进一步强调了这种彻底性。
通过"through and through"这个短语,我们能够直观地理解为"货真价实",具体地解释如下:"through"这个词汇通常用来表示从头到尾、彻底的意思。例如,当我们说"通过阅读整本书",意味着阅读了全书的内容。而"through and through"则进一步强调了彻底的层面,表示从里到外、完全无一遗漏。在描述物品或价格...
是的,短语“through and through”可以理解为一个语气修饰词,如它可以用在形容词后,表示“完全,彻底”的意思;也可以像影片中这样表达,来增强语气。 举例来说,你想表达她是一个地地道道的中国人,可以这样说:She's Chinese through and ...
沪江词库精选through and through是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 完全;彻底;地地道道;彻头彻尾 英语解释 throughout the entire extent 相似短语 through and through 完全;彻底;地地道道;彻头彻尾 be through 完成,做完;弃绝,嫌弃;完蛋 through to adv.直到 through and through suture 贯穿缝术...
We were wetthrough and through. 我们湿透了. 辞典例句 The pale - blue eyes deviated from Bob and seemed to gothrough and throughMeggie's very soul. 那对淡蓝色的眼睛从鲍勃身上移到麦琪脸上,好象一直看到了麦琪的心里. 辞典例句 The act of wetting or becoming wetthrough and through. ...