Welcome to THRONE AND LIBERTY, a free-to-play, multi-platform MMORPG. With an always changing environment, Massive Scale PvPvE, and the ability to transform into creatures to battle across land, sea, and air.
Press Release by TheLostSwede Jun 19th, 2024 20:43 Discuss (12 Comments) Amazon Games and NCSOFT announced today that THRONE AND LIBERTY, a free-to-play MMORPG featuring massive-scale combat in a dynamic world, will launch in North and South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and ...
There are plenty of reasons to give Throne and Liberty a chance. And as Lafuerte remarks, as afree PC gamethere’s no real risk to trying it out. For now, you canwishlist iton Steam to stay up to date with any future beta tests in the run up to release. If you’re always on th...
Release date Released 2003 Share Community Rating Average 8.9 219votes submitted. You Say - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ratings closed. Highest Rated (7 agree)10/10 One of the best Rts games that i ever played, WOW is nothing compared to Warcraft the lore is just great!!