10秒词汇课堂 | thromb/o音频:00:0000:08 “thromb/o” means blood clot. Thrombolysis is a destruction of a blood clot, thrombolysis.(Medical Terminology Systems) ℹ️注释: 🔵thromb/o /ˈθrɒmbəʊ/ 血栓(构词成分) 🔵blood clot /ˈblʌ...
Thromb/o 血栓 thromb/o” means blood clot. Thrombolysis is a destruction of a blood clot, thrombolysis. (Medical Terminology Systems) 词根词辍学习 Thromb/o 意思是血块, 溶栓是为了清除血块。 thromboly sis ☞ 血栓溶解 溶栓; (本文选自医学术语系统) Thromboly -sis blood clot 血块 Destruction 摧毁...