I also found this info about the muscle spasms in the esophagus and although I have all the symptoms like you do, the problem hasn’t gone away in months now. I am constantly clearing my throat and now I feel the lump all the time. I have been coughing up hard mucus lately and ...
look up "Cricopharyngeal spasm" on the internet. Stress related spasms can be relieved with muscle relaxants and/or meditation, or even alcohol. A massage of the neck and shoulders can also help relax the relay of muscles that are bunching up your throat. ...
the anxiety is a physical kind of anxiety with muscle tension or muscle spasms. Today you’ll read how low GABA may be one possible root cause of globus pharyngeus, which you may have experienced as a rather scary golf-ball-like lump or constriction in the throat....
shoulder making the shoulder and top of chest/pectoral muscle/breast numb and It goes down the arm with pins and needles, etc., in the hand and fingers. The symptoms in the hand could be mis-self-diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome. ...