One-sided sore throat can be a symptom of many conditions, including strep throat, tonsillitis, and cold. It can also happen when mucus drips to the back of your throat.
Asore throatis a scratchy or tender sensation in the throat that may worsen when swallowing or talking. Acoughis your body's way of clearing mucus ("wet") or other irritants like dust ("dry") from your throat and lungs. Sore throat and cough may occur together, such as with a cold ...
This helps loosen mucus and draws excess fluid out of your inflamed throat tissue. Throat lozenges: over-the-counter throat lozenges and hard candy can help ease the pain. Throat sprays: These can help numb the throat, which helps to stop the pain. Tea with honey: Honey has been shown ...
By definition, sinusitis simply means inflammation of the nasal sinuses. This prevents mucus from draining properly, which results in a number of symptoms. An allergy, on the other hand, is an abnormal reaction to a substance that the body thinks is harmful, such as pollen. These two conditi...
One-sided sore throat can be a symptom of many conditions, including strep throat, tonsillitis, and cold. It can also happen when mucus drips to the back of your throat. Next Article8 Mistakes People Make When They’re Getting Sick
withmucusplugs. When the swelling begins to subside patients may be aware of passing stones or gravel in the mouth or experiencing a sour taste from a mucus plug. Intermittent or persistent salivary gland swelling may also be due to inflammatory sialadenitis fromlymphocytic infiltrationof the major...
normal sinuses= reddish glowmeans filled with air abnormal findings when assessing transillumination of the sinuses sinusitis=dark or opaque areameans filled with mucus or pus caveat for using transillumination of sinuses not a definitive diagnostic test for sinusitis how to assess patency of nares oc...
Postnasal dripoccurs when excess mucus from the nose and sinuses drains down the back of the throat, causing irritation and triggering a cough reflex. This constant drip can be incredibly annoying and make it difficult to find relief. Treatment: ...
Sinusitis, also known as a sinus infection or rhinosinusitis, is an inflammation of the mucous-lined, air-filled spaces in your skull that connect to the nose and throat. When the sinuses become inflamed, blocked or swollen, normal mucus drainage may not occur trapping air and other fluids,...
- Air-filled pockets within the cranium - Communicate with nasal cavity and are lined with same type of ciliated mucous membrane. - Lighten weight of skull bones, serve as resonators for sound production, and provide mucus, which drains into nasal cavity. ...