Trillions: Thriving in the Emerging Information Ecology We are facing a future of unbounded complexity. Whether that complexity is harnessed to build a world that is safe, pleasant, humane, and profitable, or whether it causes us to careen off a cliff into an abyss of mind-numbing junk is ...
1 It demands a culture of thriving, in which the promise of innovation and technology, used correctly, inspires people to be more creative in their problem-solving. That can then benefit overall performance. To build a thriving workplace, leaders must ...
And when I’m learning the same lesson, again, the hard way, I know that my allies in finding safe passage through the digital age are art and writing. Creativity is how we imagine a different future. So I wrote us this book. It’s a place to start that conversation with yourself ab...
In the age of social media and digital interconnectedness, the human need for belonging and connection remains paramount. Online communities provide a space for individuals to connect with like-minded peers, share their passions, seek support, and engage in meaningful conversations...
Israel is known as the “StartUp Nation“. Per capita, it has more high-techstartupsand VCs than any other country in the world. It also has a blossoming AgeTech eco-system, comprised not only of startups, but also accelerators, VCs & more. ...
thriving sports economy is once again under the spotlight, raising important questions around what it would take for the continent to realise this potential – particularly in the digital age when arguably the greatest challenge facing host nations is to roll out a seamless and secure digital ...
“Ananda provides a safe container for the body to feel present, calm, and release. She coached me in coming back into my joy and grounding in the present moment. She guided me through creative reflection to highlights my wins and how to set attainable goals on how I want to shift my ...
or forgot your transport card. If you’re traveling in more rural areas of Denmark, this app will be invaluable, as ticket stands aren’t always readily available. The app lets you buy a variety of tickets like a single journey, commuter card, or city pass, which stays safe on your pho...
These programmes are suited for people who want that deep immersion in a particular subject matter. For example, for executives who don’t feel they have the time for a fully-fledged MBA programme, the Diplomas provide a shorter, more focused and more applied alternative. However, there is a...
Looking for a helping hand in creating the WooCommerce store of your dreams?Get in touch with one of our trusted Woo Partners! These full-service agencies come with our official seal of approval, so you can rest assured that your project is in safe hands.Find a Woo Partner. ...