Modern science is fused with traditional and natural approaches to health care in this patient-centered approach. IV Vitamin Therapy Customized formulations of high dose vitamins and minerals to increase energy, boost immunity and improve mood. Acupuncture An ancient form of therapy stemming from Tradit...
The Company Profilereveals the story behind the products. Here, natural health product manufacturers have the chance to let retailers know what makes their company unique and inspiring. Social Media Contentfromalivehelps retailers engage with both current and potential customers on social media.thrivemak...
I believe natural health is a blessing from God that you can start enjoying right now, one simple step at a time. -Kristen Smith
Trauma, defined as an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, attack, natural disaster, or other life-changing happenings, is painful and even can be harmful. Traum a does leave its mark, but the mark may not be all bad and there can also be growth.In one study, ...
That's why we cultivate community at our practice. Once a month, we have a mom's group that meets in our office. The patients connect over their shared interests of natural health and family wellness. Our practice is truly a fun place where people can chat and catch up with each other...
crises often tend to bring out the best in people. Areportthat looked at how people responded during the September 11th Twin Tower attacks showed that people bent over backwards to help others escape, sometimes at great personal risk to themselves. Other reports on the aftermath of natural disas...
The stranger is going through family chaos and health issues, just barely keeping their head above water, just trying to survive. The good friend is going through a time of feeling down, tightness around their head, a ...
Integrating both acupuncture and herbal medicine, Rebecca’s individualized treatment strategies activate and support the body’s natural ability to self-heal. As this occurs, balance restores, resulting in more optimum health for her clients. As a result, people have more energy, experience better ...
Our Thrive family is here to inspire and support you no matter where you are in your health journey. We hope you dive in to all of our resources! Thanks for being here.
more in the Brain and Sensory Foundations program—because we have seen that it works far better than just primitive reflex integration alone. You get a variety of synergistic neurodevelopmental movements that help reflexes to integrate, making use of the inherent power in natural, holistic ...