Por Thozhil, the critically acclaimed Tamil crime thriller, is finally coming to the Ott platform SonyLIV on August 11, 2023. The film, directed by debutant Vignesh Raja, stars R. Sarathkumar, Ashok Selvan and Nikhila Vimal in the lead roles. The film is inspired by Subramania Bharati’s...
This Tamil web series revolves around the death of a young woman and the gossip and misrepresentation that happens after. A cop and a novelist become engrossed in the person she was and the events that led up to her death. This series stars SJ Suryah, Laila, Nasar, Sanjana Kr...
Crime thrillers series’ have a huge fan following in India. Since the inception of OTT platforms in India, this particular genre has attracted viewers more than anything. The worldwide streaming platforms comprehend this fact and pretty often we see a new crime series make its debut on the pl...