You can get a car rental from Thrifty no matter where you are traveling, be it around the block or around the world. We have a wide variety of locations in-terminal at airports and in neighbourhoods. Whatever your travel plans, you’ll need a rental car that’s up to the job. Our ...
Car hire made easy with Thrifty Car Rental. We have an Extensive range of cars across the UK. For the best rental rates book online today.
Keep up with Thrifty's car rental news headlines in our Press Room, and visit the Travel Center for all the latest travel tools and special offers from our partners. Car Rental Advice You have questions. We have answers. It’s a match made in heaven. Whether you need first-time rental ...
作为新西兰汽车协会的独家合作伙伴,富田租车公司(Thrifty Car Rentals)在全国境内设有超多 33 家代理点,国内的主要机场和渡轮码头也有租车网络覆盖;公司汽车的平均车龄仅 12 个月,可提供行内最新的轿车、四驱车和小型巴士。富田租车公司为 Qualmark 批准的交通提供者,而且公司的整个车队都获得了 ANCAP 安全评级,租车...
You can get a car rental from Thrifty no matter where you are traveling, be it around the block or around the world. We have a wide variety of locations in-terminal at airports and in neighbourhoods. Whatever your travel plans, you’ll need a rental car that’s up to the job. Our ...
Thrifty Car Rental Business Traveler Programs Thrifty offers full-service, value oriented car rental programs for business travelers. Business Programs Thrifty offers small to mid-sized businesses a variety of value-oriented features, including the change to earn a free day's car rental, generous mil...
You know what’s better than reserving the perfect rental car online in just a few minutes? Great savings off the base rate simply by booking directly through Thrifty’s Pay Now feature. You read that right, great savings. Here’s how the Pay Now discount works. How to Reserve Your Thr...
Thrifty car rentals - worldwide. Online car rental reservations for business, corporate and leisure travel. Cars include SUVs, vans, convertibles, PT Cruisers, Caravans Jeeps and many more.
Discover the best car rental services in Dubai, UAE with Thrifty. Rent a car in Dubai at best affordable prices with largest fleet, premium locations, 24/7 support, no fees and full protection.
Thrifty Car Rental的租车地点遍布塞戈维亚。您可以选择最方便的租车地点。通常,机场或市中心的车型选择最丰富。周边地区的分部能保证您不必去太远的地方取车。向下滚动可查看该地区的租车地点选项。 我可以在塞戈维亚租赁Thrifty Car Rental的哪些车型? Thrifty Car Rental有许多不同的车型。尽管车辆库存根据塞戈维亚的Thr...