The Thrift Savings Plan is a low-cost investment platform for military members and civil service employees. Thrift Savings Plan participants can invest in any of five diversified index funds or several target date retirement funds that automatically adjust their allocation based on the participant’s...
I have next week off work and plan to do a lot of reading. 4. In order to reduce our outgoings we have cancelled a couple of unnecessary direct debits for TV and music. My husband has also renegotiated his mobile phone contract which should significantly reduce that debit. My own phone...
Originally my plan was to use the Quadra with an HP 1740 LCD monitor I picked up at the Kent-Ravena Goodwill so I bought a DB-15 to HD-15 (VGA) converter. However, while digging through the Mac stuff in my parents’ attic I made an interesting discovery. Unbeknownst to me I owned ...
$2,347 – (rent) $1151.95 = $1195 on food, drink, and everything else. That’s a lot and I can cut that way back if I needed to. I could get a roommate or move someplace cheaper. I have a lot of options for saving money that I won’t do right now because I don’t have ...