where RB is value the of the series braking dynamic resistor in pu where small value of resistance is considered for the modeling of SDBR. It can be seen from Fig. 9.5 that stator voltage Vs is increased by the amount of IRSDBR due to the insertion of SDBR in the generation circuit dur...
In the aforementioned mathematical approach [7] the rate of mechanical energy (i.e., the power output) dissipated to break through the air can be estimated knowing both the runner and the wind s velocity, and the runner and the air s density. Energy dissipation due to braking ground ...
A frequently used MCA is the classical washout algorithm [7], from here on referred to as the CWA. Its structure can be seen inFigure 1. First, the reference acceleration is scaled, i.e., the input acceleration is reduced. This is necessary, since common driving simulators have only a ...
an optimization strategy is proposed with the goal of improving the braking energy recovery efficiency and avoiding the impact of high-speed braking energy recovery on the hydraulic system. The energy recovery mode conversion is optimized for different vehicle speeds when braking. Finally, the proposed...