Thresher Base, United States Submarine Veterans Chartered November 15, 1989, Portsmouth, New Hampshire to perpetuate the memory of the USS Thresher (SSN 593) Navy Hymn (Eternal Father) Written in 1860 by William Whiting of Winchester, England, ...
Submarine有两个疑点首先是艇长为了让艇首向下应该是往前部的水箱注水吧,为什么都是往后舱的水箱注水,是我理解原文错了嘛。还有Bill Grieves说抓钩抓住的位置是艇首右舷水平翼防护装置starboard stem plane guard,这个防护装置到底是个什么呢,从照片上看不出来啊不见的那页原文见链接:O网页链接 提取码:gs1q ...
Tiger Threshers are capable of entering the submarine through holes in the hull. Tiger Threshers will attack any creature on sight, regardless of its strength. They have been sighted hunting Molochs. Tiger Threshers can't breathe air, and will quickly die in a room without water. ...
Paul Rako
Swimmin' Time (Deluxe Edition) Shovels & Rope 2014年8月25日 试听 歌词 On a clear April day, 1963 Took a memorable ride on a silver submarine One hundred plus men 登录以查看完整歌词 出演艺人 Shovels & Rope 主唱 作曲和作词 Shovels & Rope 作曲、 作词 更多Shovels & Rope的作品 Busted...
Legendary US World War II Submarine USS Harder Located off Philippines Dec 14, 2023 Profiles & Interviews Ricard Buxo: Pioneer of Diving in Raja Ampat Dec 14, 2023 Travel & Trips Indonesia's Triton Bay: Diving in West Papua Oct 14, 2023 Travel & Trips Garden of the Gods in Bali Oct ...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“thresher"翻译成 世界文 变形干 thresher(person) draŝulo langbot threshing machine,thresher draŝmaŝino langbot Beginning in April 1963, Trieste was modified and used in the Atlantic Ocean to search for the missing nuclear submarine USSThresher(SSN-593). ...
“The DEATH Of The USS THRESHER”The Story Behind History’s Deadliest Submarine Disaster. By Norman Polmar. Commissioned August 3, 1961, USS Thresher (SSN-593) was the lead boat in her new class. At the time the 3,700-ton nuclear submarine was the most advanced ever built—specifically ...
Underwater, or submarine,… Do You Have What it Takes to be a Shark Tagger? Have you ever dreamed of working with sharks? Although marine biology is the most likely field to get you up… The Most Croc-Infested Waters in Florida Crocodiles are one of the most fascinating reptile ...
It has now been 55 years since the USS Thresher (SSN-593) sank east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, during a routine test dive-the first nuclear-submarine disaster and, in lives lost, the worst. Lessons were learned and improvements made-but the Navy has yet to declassify important documents ...