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The pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus, is an endangered shark species estimated to be declining in the Pacific and Indian Oceans because of overexploitation, including from target fisheries and bycatch. Despite its importance in providing better information for species management,...
thresher shark Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia n. Any of various large sharks of the genusAlopias,especiallyA. vulpinusof warm and temperate waters worldwide, having a tail with a long whiplike upper lobe with which it strikes the surface of the water. ...
When floods carry garbage to the rivers they provide a rich diet which sometimes stimulates an epidemic of shark attacks. Warm water generally provides shark food, and a rich diet inflames the shark’s aggression. In British waters sharks usually swim peacefully between ten and twenty miles off...
Diet: Carnivore Average Life Span: Around 30 years Size: Up to 15 feet Weight: Up to 195 pounds IUCN Red List Status: Endangered LC NT VU EN CR EW EX Least ConcernExtinct What is a pelagic thresher? Likegreat whites, pelagic threshers are a type ofmackerel shark. However, unlike the ...
The diet of the bigeye thresher shark (Alopias super-ciliosus) was investigated by quantifying the stomach con-tents of sharks taken in the California-based drift gillnet fishery. Fishery observers collected stomachs of sharks ranging in... A Preti,S Kohin,H Dewar,... - 《California Cooperati...
When floods carry garbage to the rivers they provide a rich diet which sometimes stimulates an epidemic of shark attacks. Warm water generally provides shark food, and a rich diet inflames the shark’s aggression. In British waters sharks usually swim peacefully between ten and twenty miles off...
2013. Trophic shift in the diet of the pelagic thresher shark based on stomach contents and stable isotope analyses. Mar. Biol. Res., 9(10): 958-971.C. Polo-Silva, S. D. Newsome, F. Galvan-Magana, M. Grijalba-Bendeck, A. San Juan-Munoz. Trophic shift in the diet of the ...
Blue sharkThresher sharkCalifornia CurrentDiet analysisFeeding ecologyThis study describes the feeding ecology of three pelagic shark species in the California Current: shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus); blue (Prionace glauca); and thresher (Alopias vulpinus) sharks. Stomach contents of sharks collected ...
Blue sharkThresher sharkCalifornia CurrentDiet analysisFeeding ecologyAbstractdoi:10.1007/s10641-012-9980-xAntonella PretiCandan U SoykanHeidi DewarR. J. David WellsSuzanne KohinSpringer NetherlandsEnvironmental Biology of FishesPreti, A., Soykan, C.U., Dewar, H., Wells, R.J.D., Spear, N., ...