Talisman of Ascension– you always have the option to hasten your gold income. Again, this is situational so don’t always opt for a greedy build as a support. Your primary role is to help your ADC snowball into the late game. Zz’Rot Portal –Zz’Rot Portal provides defensive stats and...
3、threshking 脱粒王 4、threshlu 阈值lu 5、threshpwdl 阈值pwdl 6、threshsupport 脱粒支撑 7、threshsupport runes 脱粒符文 8、threshcounter 脱粒计数器 9、threshurf 成形阈值 10、threshguide 脱粒导轨 11、threshbuild 脱粒构建 12、threshopgg 脱粒opgg ...
In this League of Legends: Wild Rift Thresh guide you'll find everything you need to know about the champion, from his skills and how to allocate them to his build, skill combo, and runes. This is what you will find in the Thresh guide below: Thresh's skills Skill combos Skill level...
With the build and tips in this Thresh guide, you should have no trouble jumping into Summoner’s Rift and living out your utility Support dreams. Keep a safe distance from counters, practice your hooks, and please, don’t forget to ward. Thresh build Starting build You’re always going t...
build.gradle gradle.properties settings.gradle example ios js-core lib CHANGELOG.md CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md CONTRIBUTING.md DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md LICENSE LICENSE.md README.md ROADMAP.md pubspec.lock pubspec.yaml Breadcrumbs thresh /android / build.gradle Latest commit xuweishun init thresh cfc8f26· De...
If you would like to add support for a new language (or revise our existing support), our language templates are located in public/lang/. To add support for a new language, simply create a new .yml using the structure of an existing language template. To revise an existing template, ...
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