orbit controls for ThreeJS. Latest version: 82.1.0, last published: 8 years ago. Start using three-orbit-controls in your project by running `npm i three-orbit-controls`. There are 76 other projects in the npm registry using three-orbit-controls.
}//用户交互插件 鼠标左键按住旋转,右键按住平移,滚轮缩放varcontrols;functioninitControls() { controls =newTHREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement);// 如果使用animate方法时,将此函数删除//controls.addEventListener( 'change', render );// 使动画循环使用时阻尼或自转 意思是否有惯性controls.enableD...
OrbitControls = require('three-orbit-controls')(THREE) This module exports a function which accepts an instance of THREE, and returns an OrbitControls class. This allows you to use the module with CommonJS, globals, etc. The returned function has the following constructor pattern: ...
Three.js OrbitControls Typescript compatible package. Installation npm install --save @three-ts/orbit-controls Usage import*asTHREEfrom'three';import{OrbitControls}from'@three-ts/orbit-controls';constcamera=newTHREE.SomeCamera(...);constcontrols=newOrbitControls(camera,renderer.domElement);// How far...
Use the Three.js Orbit Controls to orbit around an object in 3D space. These easy controls provide out of the box zoom, pan and rotate.
☁️ Installation yarn add expo-three-orbit-controls 🚀 Usage Import into your project: import OrbitControlsView from 'expo-three-orbit-controls'; Check out the example for more info.About 🎥 Three.js Orbit Controls (Camera) bridged into React Native Resources Readme License MIT license...
This experiment allows everyone to have a grasp on the size of the number of trees planted and their climate impact. Feedback is appreciated (jules.eschbach@gmail.com) Doesn't work on phone, please use a PC!Controls : mouse click to add a tree, arrows to move, scroll to zoom. OK...
Orbit controls allow the camera to orbit around the center of the scene. You can also provide a target to move around. You can add Orbitcontrols in a few simple steps.Create a new instance of the orbit controls and pass the camera.const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, render....
这个效果相对于第八节的轨迹球插件使用上感觉要好,虽然轨迹球插件可以来回的滚动,但是容易分辨不清楚上下左右的关系,容易混乱,适合调试,而轨道控制插件orbit则适合客户使用,还不会产生混乱效果。下面讲一下使用。 (1)首先引入插件,文件地址在官方案例的examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js。
controls.maxDistance = 600; //是否开启右键拖拽 controls.enablePan = true; } (3)最后,在animate函数内调用orbit的update()更新。 function animate() { //更新控制器 controls.update(); render(); //更新性能插件 stats.update(); requestAnimationFrame(animate); ...