The efficacy of an inactivated tissue culture rabies vaccine was determined by a 3-year immunogenicity study in dogs and cats. Serologically negative dogs and cats were vaccinated intramuscularly with a single 1 ml dose of vaccine. Serological titers to rabies virus were determined for 3 years fol...
cats, vaccines, tissue culture, dogs, rabies, efficacyThe efficacy of an inactivated tissue culture rabies vaccine was determined by a 3-year immunogenicity study in dogs and cats. Serologically negative dogs and cats were vaccinated intramuscularly with a single 1 ml dose of vaccine. Serological ...
dog may represent an early case of dog-maintained rabies in Massachusetts. In addition to viral or bacterial disease, malnutrition-related disorders, such as rickets, are quite common in young dogs fed unsuitable diets, and often results in abnormal bone growth in dogs affected if the diet is ...