Three-way decision (T-WD) theory is about thinking, problem solving, and computing in threes. Behavioral decision making (BDM) focuses on effective, cognitive, and social processes employed by humans for choosing the optimal object, of which prospect the
Three Parameters Fuzzy Sets Framework: Applications in Non Associative Algebraic StructuresAG-groupoidCompletely regular(is an element of(gamma), is an element of(gamma) Vq(delta)(eta))-fuzzy ideals and (is an element of(gamma), is an element of(gamma) Vq(delta)(eta))-fuzzy ideals...
In: 2009 IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems. IEEE, pp. 1378–1382 (2009) Zadeh, L.A.: Fuzzy sets. Inform. Control 8(3), 338–353 (1965) Article Google Scholar Chen, N., Xu, Z.S., Xia, M.M.: Correlation coefficients of hesitant fuzzy sets and their applications to ...
The results are granular versions that approximate the original concepts and notions. In this paper, we investigate the problem of lifting a fuzzy set in the ground space to granular fuzzy sets in the quotient space. By applying the principles of threeway decision, we introduce the idea of ...
Specifically, this paper focuses on fuzzy implications-based transformation approaches from semi-three-way decision spaces to three-way decision spaces and their applications. Firstly, we present some novel fuzzy implications-based transformation approaches from semi-decision evaluation functions to decision ...
The goal of three-way decisions is to divide a universe into three pair-wise disjoint regions and to act on some or all of these regions using appropriate strategies. The decision-theoretic rough set model, a typical three-way decision model, trisects a universe using a pair of thresholds ...
粗糙模糊集与模糊粗糙集-rough fuzzy sets and fuzzy rough sets 热度: 相关推荐 Three-Way Decision: An Interpretation of Rules in Rough Set Theory Yiyu Yao Department of Computer Science, University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2 E-mail: Abstract. A new in...
Interval Valued Versions of T-Conorms, Fuzzy Negations and Fuzzy Implications There exists infinitely many way to extend the classical prepositional connectives to the set [0,1] such that the behavior in their extremes are as in the ... BC Bedregal,A Takahashi - IEEE International Conference ...
A new multigranulation fuzzy decision-theoretic rough set over two universes was defined. • The relationship between the proposed model with the existing decision-theoretic rough set models was established. • The three-way decision was deduced based on the multigranulation fuzzy decision-theoretic ...
Accordingly, we trisect the agents, issues, and agent pairs and investigate their applications in solving a few crucial questions in conflict analysis. Particularly, we explore the concepts of alliance sets and strategies. A real-world application is given to illustrate the proposed models....