Application to surface data (surface mesh retopology) Iterative polygonal modellingis not limited to cross-sectional information, this method can be used in conjunction with muscle surface scan data that can (1) streamline processes in which the user can also collect dissection data at the same tim...
macromolecular components of these hydrogels, including a previously unreported protein class termed Conserved Anterior Mollusk Proteins (CAMPs). Revealing differences betweenC. aspersummucus shows how considering structure at all levels can inform the design of mucus-inspired materials. Similar content being...
Background: Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE) enables assessment of myocardial function. Here, we examined the agreement between 2D and 3D STE measurement of a global longitudinal strain (GLS) in pati
The aim of this study was to investigate and compare, radiographically and clinically, the impacts of calcium-silicate based-cement (CSBC), nano-hydroxyapatite and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) as pulpotomy agents in permanent immature molars with incomplet
Beauty & Health1 Ounce Acrylic Powder Collection Nail Glitter Powder Extension Builder/Dipping/Nail Art Carving Decoration Manicure Dust Tc#0461064nm Favourable Price High Power Nd Yag Laser Crystal For Professional Tattoo Removal Machine yag Size: 5mm*85mm10Pcs Dental Anterior Forming Sheet Twin Anter...
Ventromedially to its posterior ridge is the anterior end of the transpromontorial sulcus. The bulge of the cochlear canal is decipherable on the promontorium surface, but is not very well outlined; there are at least two turns in the cochlear canal, with two and one-quarter turns ...
Analysis of measurements taken in three meridians of a toroidal optical surface can produce a spherocylindrical result without having to locate the principal meridians. This technique is assessed for the anterior corneal surface using keratometry. Good agreement is found with measurements taken in the ...
Following a comprehensive strategy that integrated structure-based virtual screening of an alkaloid library with ADMET, DFT profiling, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation, and Molecular Mechanics-Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area (MM-PBSA) calculations, 10 compounds displaying favorable drug-like properties and...
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stress distribution and surface roughness. (2) Methods: Monolithic three-unit anterior FDPs were made from three different color-gradient zirconia multilayer materials with different yttria levels corresponding to varying strength and degrees of translucency grades (Katana HTML, STML, UTML, Kuraray) and...