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reduce cell death and maximize the structural integrity of the construct.37The feed rates and flow rates of biomaterials can be controlled by adjusting the device itself (temperature, pressure, etc.) and by altering the biomaterial. The chemical and mechanical properties of the incorporated materials...
1b). The other 3 mice were sacrificed relatively early because of deterioration of general conditions due to obstruction of the intestine. Histopathologically, the tumours in the lung predominantly consisted of small nests of cuboidal cells with centrally located nuclei which are features of an un...
Previous studies have long been aware that broad wings with a more rounded tip, long tail, shorter small intestine, and heavier pectoral MM in the sparrowhawk give it maneuverability (Barton and Houston, 1994; Swaddle and Lockwood, 1998). In the study, we noticed the greatest development of ...
small intestine through the intestine-pulmonary axis, causing some gastrointestinal symptoms [11], including diarrhea (3.8%) and vomiting (5.0%) [30,31]. Many cytokines enter through the blood–brain barrier and affect the central nervous system function, resulting in symptoms of the central ...
Compare and contrast the structure of the mucosal layers of the stomach and small intestine. What does this tell you about the roles of the stomach and small intestine within the digestive system? Provide a brief description of two specialized structures ...
Table 1. Structural features (mean values ± SE) of the seed coat of three Acacia species studied. Different letters indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between species. Empty CellA. atramentariaA. cavenA. aromaP Epidermis height (μm) 156.03 ± 1b 131.8 ± 1.1ab 118.62 ± 1.5a...
To ensure high fidelity of amplification and to minimize PCR error, the Expand Long Range PCR system (Roche Applied Science) was used for all PCRs. The cDNAs used as templates for the PCR were mouse uterus cDNA (Zyagen Laboratories) for Col6a4, human testis, small intestine, and colon ...
The tumor microenvironment can be spatially heterogenous, which makes it challenging to fully characterize with standard 2D histology-based methods. In this study, we determined the feasibility of a CLARITY tissue-processing approach to analyze biopsies
globosum mainly found in the rumen and intestine of ruminants14. B. longum subsp. suis was defined as a subspecies by Mattarelli et al.15 alongside the two other subspecies B. longum subsp. infantis and B. longum subsp. longum. B. longum subsp. suis is commonly isolated from the faeces...