Overcoming the Odds: Exploring Resilience Among Employed Married Women in Three Stages of the Family Life CycleAmapola Lustre Baes
The evolution of a startup is a continuous process. This article examines the three main stages of a startup's life cycle and provides insight on the milestones founders need to achieve.
1)three factors--four stages model三因素——四阶段模型 2)four-steps model四阶段模型 1.Macroscopical transport model is the basic of mesocosmical and microcosmil ones,and the four-steps model is the most familiar one of macroscopical model.建立交通模型是作交通分析的基本方法,宏观交通模型又是中观...
We have gained an unprecedented understanding of the stepwise process that governs OR gene determination and the dynamic changes in accessibility of OR enhancers at various stages of OR gene expression. Our multi-omics dataset provides valuable insight into the previously unexplored mechanisms before the...
The musical highlights Donna Summer at three stages of her life. Duckling Donna is in her pre-teens, starting out in Boston; Disco Donna, in her late teens and 20s, has her initial success; Diva Donna is in her 50s and at the top of her career. ...
found over 6 feet away from their host anemone. The Clarkii complex have some of the best swimmers within the clownfish family. They are closely related to the Clark’s ClownfishAmphiprion clarkii, and hybrids of these two have been aquacultured in captivity by Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums (ORA...
Root exudates are plant-derived, exported metabolites likely shaping root-associated microbiomes by acting as nutrients and signals. However, root exudation dynamics are unclear and thus also, if changes in exudation are reflected in changes in microbiom
Although much promise was seen in early stages of clinical trials with the exon-skipping ASO Drisapersen for DMD, phase 3 trials failed to achieve clinical success [98,99,100]. However, in 2016 the FDA authorized the use of Eteplirsen, an ASO that induces exon-skipping to express partially...
Previous studies have demonstrated that codon usage bias is related to all stages of gene expression and to protein function. Here we apply a novel tool for assessing functional relatedness, codon usage frequency similarity (CUFS), which measures similarity between genes in terms of codon and amino...
China’s transition intertwined compressive modernization and a stepwise institutional transformation. If the state was the driving force behind the production regime’s liberalization and marketization in the early stages of the transition (Gallagher2005; Tong2010), the reconstruction of the welfare state...