The composition and spectral properties of three different forms of light-harvesting complex II. Sci. China Ser. C.-Life Sci. 46, 464–473 (2003). Download citation Received10 March 2003 Issue DateOctober 2003 DOI Keywords ...
Properties Application BevelBottomDepth BevelBottomInset BevelBottomType BevelTopDepth BevelTopInset BevelTopType ContourColor ContourWidth Creator Depth ExtrusionColor ExtrusionColorType FieldOfView LightAngle Parent Perspective PresetCamera PresetExtrusionDirection PresetLighting PresetLightingDirection PresetLightingSo...
Properties Application BevelBottomDepth BevelBottomInset BevelBottomType BevelTopDepth BevelTopInset BevelTopType ContourColor ContourWidth Creator Depth ExtrusionColor ExtrusionColorType FieldOfView LightAngle Parent Perspective PresetCamera PresetExtrusionDirection PresetLighting PresetLightingDirection PresetLightingSof...
The morphTargets and morphNormals property of materials has been removed. MeshStandardMaterial.vertexTangents has been removed. The default widthSegments and heightSegment properties of SphereGeometry have been increased to 32 and 16. The default type of textures loaded with RGBELoader, HDRCube...
答案可以在“The properties and functions of a geometry”部分找到。 在Three.js中,几何对象(geometry)是3D空间中点的集合,以及连接这些点的面(faces)。 为了使这一概念更加容易理解,我们可以以立方体为例: 顶点(Vertices):立方体有八个角,每个角可以通过x、y、z三个坐标来定义。这些角就是立方体在三维空间中的...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel ThreeDFormat Properties C# 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebook LinkedIn 電子郵件 列印 ThreeDFormat.LightAngle PropertyReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll ...
The angular and temporal axes are two basic elements in the plenoptic function P(spatial: x, y, angular: u, v, wavelength:λ, time: t), which completely characterizes the fundamental properties of light. With decades’ investigations and developments, current 3D imagers have reached the practica...
Improve import style of MathUtils. #29943 (@WestLangley) AnalyticLightNode Reset shadowNode after dispose. #29939 (@sunag) Audio Ensure progress is reset in onEnded(). #29930 (@Jian-Nam) Override copy() and clone() to include missing properties. #2996 (@Byongho96) BatchedMesh Be...
decay – The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. 创建一个聚光灯光源。 Properties/属性 参阅Light基类了解更多地属性。 angle : Float,聚光灯光源在它方向上的最大范围,按弧度计。应该不超过PI/2,默认是Math.PI/3. castShadow : Boolean,如果设置为true,光照将会产生动态的阴影。注意:...
The apolar behavior of such nanostructures was experimentally confirmed by way of localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) properties and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) measurements. 展开 关键词: Gold nanoparticles Light polarization Symmetry point group ...