A grader especially adapted for use in association with a tractor having a three-point hitch with the grader being capable of use in cutting, moving, spreading and leveling all types of soil, aggregate and the like. The grader can also be used to carry, spread and level hot and cold ...
Skinny's car remained in the driveway of his parent's lavish home all morning. It was now noon, and from his vantage point in a large elm tree across the street, Pete, using his dad's binoculars, had only seen Skinny's freckled face peering nervously through the cur- tains from ...
Lyle/Napster is forever explaining what he’s doing and how. What he says is nonsense, of course, but the point is that the moviemakers wanted to root the on-screen events in some version of reality. Players (2012), the Indian way ...
After she was born I remember one of my first doctors in Florida telling me: “I don’t think you’ll ever get pregnant, but even if you do, you’ll never be able to carry a baby full term.” To me she is still a miracle, as all babies are. I have to be transparent here. ...
After a metric ruler is held vertically at this point, the vertical “sternal angle to top of jugular pulsations” distance should be estimated in centimeters. This value is then added to 5 cm2 since right atrium is 5 cm2 below the sternal angle [16]. Thus, the normal range of EJVP ...
At some point I've given up and stick to walking up to the peak. I realize that I've been pushing harder than I should today and lately. I'm so set on the destination (Coromandel Town at the moment, but Kaitaia in the end) that I'm neglecting to let myself focus on enjoying ...
I agree that Hardy is good in the lead role. He definitely has charm, which is important because he has to carry the movie and keep us invested in the outcome of a Nazi. I kept thinking that if he'd been young enough 25 years later, he would have been perfect for The Needle in ...
This point is illustrated by our RIP-seq data: the direct snRNA-Sm protein interactions are very stable, and cor- respondingly have much higher enrichment ratios than the mRNAs, which associate with Sm proteins indirectly. Conclusions The structural and functional similarities between pro- karyotic...
Sm proteins are multimeric RNA-binding factors, found in all three domains of life. Eukaryotic Sm proteins, together with their associated RNAs, form small ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes important in multiple aspects of gene regulation. Comprehensive
Children find meanings in their old family tales. When Stephen Guyer’s three children were growing up, he told them stories about how his grandfather, a banker, all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. In one of the darkest t