三相電 wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ three-phase electric power "自动翻译成 中文 三相电源 Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“three-phase electric power"翻译成 中文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 The number of phases in a power syste...
Salami said Iran has entered a new phase in its confrontation with Israel, adding that the country will respond from its own soil to any attack by Israel on Iranian interests, assets, notable people and citizens in any part of the world. The IRGC commander said that the battle was somewhat...
The General Electric Company (GE) began developing three-phase induction motors in 1891. 英國通用電氣公司(GE)在1891年開始開發三相的感應電動機。 WikiMatrix Bosnia and Herzegovina supports the three-phase incremental approach, as set out by the Secretary-General. 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那支持秘书长提...
A power station with three-phase transformers in Bruchsal, Germany. Image by Ikar.us — Karlsruhe:Datei:Kändelweg NE.jpg, own work. Licensed underCC BY 3.0 DE, viaWikimedia Commons. For AC power, this “stepping up” and “stepping down” can be done based on a surprisingly simple pri...
添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“three phase"翻译成 土耳其文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 At the triple point, all three phases can coexist. Üçlü noktada, tüm üç faz bir arada bulunabilir. WikiMatrix Here, then, are three aspects of proletarianization that are also...
the Mirror Shield passively blocks attacks from Pit's right side during the land phase, and the Wings of Pegasus let Pit fly for longer than five minutes, allowing him to battle Medusa at the end of the mission while flying. Pit again turns to the Treasures later on againstHades, but Had...
Line period and phase shift measurement for each phase Phase voltage delays Full calibration (amplitude, power offset and samples offset for DC measurement) Two configurable LED for pulsed outputs Communication through USB in virtual com port mode with shell commands 6 kV galvanic isolation be...
STSPIN830 is a compact and versatile field oriented control FOC ready three-phase motor driver. It integrates in a very small 4 x 4 mm QFN package, both the control logic and a fully protected low RDSon triple half-bridge power stage.Thanks to a dedicated MODE input pin the device offers...
Three phase controller for Intel MVP7 CPU power supply Download datasheet 概要 ドキュメント CADリソース ツール & ソフトウェア 製品概要 概要 The PM6690 is a three phase step-down switching controller with embedded gate drivers. It has been designed to supply the CPU of the Intel® mo...
中文:三相CCD;英文:three-phase CCD的原理;中文:三相CCD;英文:three-phase CCD的定义;中文:三相CCD;英文:three-phase CCD是什么。将一个周期电压分为三组依次加到CCD各电极上,三组之间保持一定的相位差,使得电极下的电荷包沿半导体表面按一定方向移动的一种电