We study the center of mass energy (CME) for three neutral particles in the vicinity of a Kerr-modified gravity (MOG) black hole. In addition, we investigate the CME close to the horizon(s) of a Kerr-MOG black hole and find that an infinite center of mass energy is ...
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction is the process of creating 3-D anatomical images or models from sectioned material, allowing the study of complex morphologies by displaying objects in various orientations with volumes and surface areas determined. AI generated definition based on: Computer Methods and ...
Fat embolism is the mechanical blockage of blood vessels by circulating fat particles. It is frequently related to traumas involving soft tissues and fat-containing bones. Different techniques have been used for decades to demonstrate histologically fat emboli, being the extremely toxic post-fixation ...
Unlike mammalian erythrocytes, amphibian erythrocytes have distinct morphological features including large cell sizes and the presence of nuclei. The sizes of the cytoplasm and nuclei of erythrocytes vary significantly over different species, their envir
The size of the rectangular water tank is 1206 mm × 454 mm × 463 mm. The sediment is immersed in the tank, forming a trapezoidal shape with parallel lengths of 130 mm and 289 mm and a height of 135 mm. The size of the sand particles is less than 0.2 mm, which is within the ...
Indeed, it is also guessed that the relaxation time to the average is controlled by the size of the system, i.e., the number of particles. Therefore, we cannot expect a fast relaxation in such a low-dimensional phase space as the one of the three-particle FPUT model. The averages on...
Once pairs of images have been captured, discrete regions of each image pair are investigated (areas of interrogation) and the displacement of particles from one image to the next is determined using numerical techniques. The common numerical technique used with image pairs is crosscorrelation, ...
<Sampler weight={'normal'} // the name of the attribute to be used as sampling weight transform={transformPoint} // a function that transforms each instance given a sample. See the examples for more. count={16} // Number of samples > <mesh> <sphereGeometry args={[2]} /> </mesh> ...
1 , 2 In this mining method, the ore body is usually divided into a few sublevels and each sublevel is divided into a number of drifts and each drift is split into slices by rings. Because mining operations such as drilling, blasting and loading are all carried out only in sublevel ...
on the sceleto-muscular system or insulin function need to be considered but also the sensitivity of obese patients to noxious substances resulting from air pollution or the adverse effects of very small airborne particles that are inhaled [1–3]. The adipose tissue (AT) is considered to ...