We study the center of mass energy (CME) for three neutral particles in the vicinity of a Kerr-modified gravity (MOG) black hole. In addition, we investigate the CME close to the horizon(s) of a Kerr-MOG black hole and find that an infinite center of mass energy is ...
Indeed, it is also guessed that the relaxation time to the average is controlled by the size of the system, i.e., the number of particles. Therefore, we cannot expect a fast relaxation in such a low-dimensional phase space as the one of the three-particle FPUT model. The averages on...
By introducing the original state of the model into the model change process, the elastic deformation process of the soft tissue model is more real, and the design of the three-dimensional mass–spring model proposed by Vicente, G.S. et al., which expands the dimension of the mass–spring...
Solid–liquid mass transfer in three-phase fluidized beds with low-density particles was studied using a tethered benzoic acid particle dissolution technique. Two columns with air, water and polypropylene cylinders were used for experiments. The solid–liquid mass transfer coefficient was found to incre...
forparticleswithnonzeromass publishedinLetterealNuovoCimento,1972,4,N9,P.344–346. WilhelmI.FUSHCHYCH InstituteofMathematicsoftheNationalAcademyofSciencesofUkraine, 3TereshchenkivskaStreet,01601Kyiv-4,UKRAINE URL:http://.imath.kiev.ua/~appmath/wif.html ...
The present paper describes a new whole field measuring technique for the real-time display of velocity vectors in flow fields. The technique is based on the principle of particle tracking including a new imaging process, which allows to convert the particle traces to vectors while detecting.Cheng...
Mass transferMultiphase reactorsGas holdup in two and three phase fluidized bed has been measured experimentally.Mass and heat transfer coefficients were evaluated at different solid contents.Cooling and humidification of air bubbles into a water-sand slurry was the model.At solid contents 30% the ...
The film mass transfer coefficient k w was measured on the surface of a cylindrical electrode immersed vertically in three-phase systems with fine suspended particles with an average diameter ranging from 0.10 to 1.1 mm. A 50 to 75% enhancement in the values of k w in the three-phase ...
Meier J, Wehner B, Massling A, Birmili W, Nowak A, Gnauk T, Brüggemann E, Herrmann H, Min H, Wiedensohler A. Hygroscopic growth of urban aerosol particles in Beijing (China) during wintertime: a comparison of three experimental methods. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 9(18):...
Mass-ratio condition for non-binding of three two-component particles with contact interactionsdoi:10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-03738-3The binding of two heavy fermions interacting with a light particle via a contact interaction is possible only for a sufficiently large heavy-light mass ratio. The ...