TestNotInList TestPass Plan testu TestPlanProperty Plan testów TestProperty Testresult TestResultDetails Testrun Moduł uruchamiający testy TestRunProperty Ustawienia testowe TestSuite TestSuiteRequirement TestVariable TextAndImage Textarea TextBlock TextBox TextCenter Textelement TextFile TextJustify ...
Coverage characterizes how well the sensing objective of network is accomplished. Managing network coverage is thus important in smart cities. While node placement in two-dimensional terrestrial networks has been broadly studied, their three-dimensional counterparts have received little attention because of...
Forested land is mainly distributed in the east and south of the TRHR, delineated by lakes and rivers, while construction and cultivated land occupy no more than 0.3% of total area and are distributed in various eastern counties. Figure 3. The geographical distribution of LULC types within the...
The Three Gorges Project was implemented in 1994 to promote sustainable water resource use and development of the water environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (hereafter “Reservoir Area”). However, massive discharge of wastewater along the rive
Fallback for alphaToCoverage if antialias is disabled #29395 (@RenaudRohlinger) Use shared UBOs for common uniform groups for WebGL fallback. #29420 (@aardgoose) Add geometry in material cache key. #29427, #29465 (@sunag) Add rectangle parameter to copyFrameBufferTexture(). #29384 (...
Using a dimidiate pixel method, the annual maximum vegetation coverage in Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) from 2000 to 2009 was estimated based on the MODIS NDVI remote sensing data. Furthermore, the temporal-spatial variation and its driving force of annual maximum vegetation coverage were ...
GSM wireless system of the basic design goal is the wireless coverage areas where 90 per cent, 99 per cent of the time mobile desktop access to the network, to achieve the above objectives, to be taken into account from 3 coverage, coverage in the area where 90% of capacity, the corresp...
NetworkNDISDriverPackage Нейроннаясеть Создать NewAggregation NewAttachedDocument NewAttribute NewAttributeRelationship NewAvailability NewBottomFrame NewBranch NewBug NewCalculatedColumn NewCalculatedMember NewChangeset Newclass NewConnection NewConsoleApplication NewConstant NewCoun...
NetworkNDISDriverPackage NeuralNetwork 新增 NewAggregation NewAttachedDocument NewAttribute NewAttributeRelationship NewAvailability NewBottomFrame NewBranch NewBug NewCalculatedColumn NewCalculatedMember NewChangeset NewClass NewConnection NewConsoleApplication NewConstant NewCounterSet NewCubeSlice NewCustomExpression...
Network or infrastructure disruptions could also keep your internet out after your power returns. Remaining precipitation or cloud coverage in your area may hinder yoursatellite internetwhile downed telephone lines will knock yourDSL connectionoffline. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do in such...