27.1. The Chapter 46 ofShalya Parvaof Mahabharata narrates the elevation of Kartikeya as the Supreme Commander of the godly forces (Deva-senapathi). There is a long list of 213 Matrkas (the text says there are many more female beings whose names are not mentioned) or warriors who fight ...
Ganpath (the nightwatchman, who clicks his heels and salutes me whenever he first sees me), Chattar (the head cook, who taught me how to make masala chai in his kitchen on my last visit), the smartly-dressed waiters whose names I’ve ...
Let’s focus today on the unsung band ofpirates who, unbeknown to most, were the first men to come into action aspart of Operation Overlord: the French Demi-Brigade SAS inBritanny. 今天的主角是来自法国的英雄们,他们也许没有那么有名,但是他们是霸王行动中首批踏入法国的部队。他们就是法国特种...