In this study, we documented seasonal patterns in sediment nitrification rates and identified the major drivers of nitrification in agricultural systems enriched in DIN. Our results matched our predictions for seasonality, where we found that nitrification rates were highest in spring and lowest in fall...
its resilience to drought is of paramount interest to researchers. Three cultivars, Khalas, Reziz, and Sheshi, stand out among 400 cultivars for their popularity driven by consumer preference in Saudi Arabia7, while Khalas is widely cultivated in the Eastern province ...
The Mallard has been confirmed as a major reservoir for avian influenza A viruses3,4,5, thus making it an important model for zoonotic disease studies. The domestic duck represents an excellent model for dissecting genetic mechanisms underlying domestication, due to its short generation interval, ...
Omp85 proteins are ubiquitous among Gram-negative bacteria, where they function as major drivers of OM homeostasis and adaption to various external milieus51,53,54. Heinz and Lithgow53 previously categorized the members of the Omp85/TpsB superfamily into 12 subfamilies based on composition of their...
In this study, using an integrated 16S/18S rRNA microbiome dataset from three domains at the regional scale, we aim to address three major questions: (1) How do the topological features of microbial co-occurrence networks vary across the three domains? (2) Is there a consistent biogeographic ...
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Major research findings at the PAP-SO in its first ~20 years of operation include the discovery of seasonal input of detritus to the seabed (Billett et al., 1983), revisions to the midwater carbon budget (Giering et al., 2014), and links between interannual detrital supply and benthic co...
What is the major difference in the Calvin cycle between the three types of plants? Which organisms undergo both photosynthesis and cellular respiration? What types of enzymes participate in catabolic reactions? Where do catabolic processes take place in bacteria?
They are often presented as if they were universally valid, neglecting that many aspects differ—in part considerably—between the three major kingdoms of multicellular eukaryotic life, comprising animals, plants and fungi. Here, we provide a comparative cross-kingdom view on the basic cell biology...
It has been well documented that periphyton communities play a key role in primary productivity, nutrient cycling, and food web interactions. However, a worldwide overview of research on the key themes, current situation, and major trends within the field is lacking. In this study, we applied...