Three Little Pigs Folk Tale Children'S Story royalty-free stock illustration. Free for use & download. 1 comment The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments Log in Join Pixabay Three Little Pigs Folk Tale Children's Story Cartoon Cutout Tale House ...
嘿,朋友!为您呈上资源~ 点击[儿歌-008.THE THREE LITTLE PIGS The Big Bad Wolf Fairy tale for kids 3 Little Pigs Story.mp4]即可轻松获取! 你对这类资源平时关注多不多,还有其他想要的资源吗?
33-《卖火柴的小女孩》The little match-seller
The Three Little Pigs(三只小猪) 多听故事孩子更聪明 作者:佚名 239万次播放 0-6岁 童话故事 英文 三只小猪 播放 简介: 《三只小猪》是一个著名的英国童话,讲述了三只小猪在长大后,学好了本领,各自盖了不同的房子,却遭遇大灰狼,最后想出办法赶走大灰狼的故事。采用英文讲述,让不懂外语的家长也能培养出英语...
Three Little Pigs (Story Mini Book) A simple reading for young learners with present simple tense & comparatives. Text is adapted by Alex1968 who tried to reinforce vocabulary through repetition (for example: "house made of ..."; "Let me in!" etc) and to use language & grammar that a...
The Three Little Pigs story(三只小猪)批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 The Three Little Pigs The animal I really dig Above all others is the pig. Pigs are noble. Pigs are clever, Pigs are courteous. However, Now and then, to break this rule, One meets a pig who is a fool....
三只小猪英语剧本 The Story of the Three Little Pigs——英语剧本资.docx,三只小猪英语剧本 The Story of the Three Little Pigs旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortun
Once upon a time, there lived three little pigs. One day, they decided to leave home and build houses of their own. The first little pig thought that straw would make a good house. He built the house very quickly and he was very pleased with it. The second little pig thought that st...
三只小猪英语剧本 The Story of the Three Little Pigs 旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune. 妈妈:Goodbye, kids! build your own house, but be careful of the wolf. 三只小猪:goodbye,mum. ...