Since 1966, the Three Lakes Association (TLA) has been actively engaged in a variety of ways which support our mission. From monitoring water quality to actively engaging with our local and state governments, to providing grants for local science education in our schools, TLA has worked to insu...
Surface Water, Ground Water and Sediment Quality in Three Oxbow Lake Watersheds in the Mississippi Delta Agricultural Region: Pesticides We measured residual and current use pesticides in shallow groundwater, surface water, and lake sediment in three oxbow lakes and their watersheds in the i... ...
France; 5Universite´ Blaise Pascal, Laboratoire 'Microorganismes : Ge´nome et Environnement', UMR CNRS 6023, Aubie`re, France In lakes, the diversity of eukaryotic picoplankton has been recently studied by the analysis of 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences; however, quantitative data are rare...
In: Werkgroep Biologische Waterbeoordeling Leersum: 15–22. Google Scholar Humpesch, U. H. 1980a. Effect of temperature on the hatching time of eggs of five Ecdyonurus spp. (Ephemeroptera) from Austrian streams and English streams, rivers and lakes. J. Anim. Ecol. 49: 317–333. ...
Clearwater Lake, located within the city limits of Sudbury, Canada, is one of hundreds of lakes in the area historically affected by severe and chronic acidification and metal contamination. Metal mining and smelting began in Sudbury before the turn of the 20th century, and it grew into one ...
For aquatic environments, most attention has focused on ocean environments14,20 and a few freshwater lakes15,21, but very little attention has been paid to bacterioplankton metagenomes in river/reservoir systems22. The Xiangxi River is an ideal river/reservoir system to address the impacts of ...
Jones (eds), Eutrophication: research and application to water supply. Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside: 4–29. Google Scholar Reynolds, C. S., 1994. The long, the short and the stalled: on the attributes of phytoplankton selected by physical mixing in lakes and rivers. ...
WithMissouriBroadcasters' Association decision – which dealt with the issues of freedom of speech in advertising – the US District Court said that the three-tier system is riddled with so many inconsistencies that it's hard to justify laws that curtail free speech based on maintaining the integr...
The two largest lakes in China (Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province and Dongting Lake in Hunan Province), which are located along the mid- dle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, constitute a shallow lake group unique in the world that exten- sively exchanges water with the river. The ...
Each pilot plant treats one of three major surface water types: a soft, colored river water, a moderately hard, agriculturally impacted river, and a Great Lakes supply. Pilot process trains and individual unit processes were identical at all three pilot plant locations. The study therefore ...