Three Kings Day(三王节)是基督教传统节日,定于每年1月6日,纪念三位东方智者朝拜耶稣诞生的宗教故事,现已发展为融合信仰、家庭聚会与地域特色的全球性文化庆典。其特色包括象征性食物国王饼、盛大游行和礼物交换传统,既承载宗教内涵,又通过现代创新保持文化活力。 节日背景与宗教意义 该...
950 Three Kings Day Stock Videos, 4K Footage, & Video Clips View three kings day images Browse 950 authentic three kings day stock videos, stock footage, and video clips available in a variety of formats and sizes to fit your needs, or explore three kings day celebration or three kings ...
今日是波多黎哥人的三王节 (Three Kings Day),是一年里重要的节日。这个民族太过潇洒,谁的节日他们都搭车庆祝。|基于633个网页 2. 三圣节 三圣节游行:孩子们顶着骆驼的装饰周二在纽约参加三圣节(Three Kings Day)游行。三圣节也被称为主显节(Feast of the Epipha…|基于52...
Three kings day 三王来朝节 2018-02-23 23:07:3806:5688 所属专辑:Larry的英语美文朗读 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 听友93617386 000
Three kings day 三王来朝节 2018-02-23 23:07:3806:56 88 所属专辑:Larry的英语美文朗读 喜欢下载分享 静默读书时间 呵呵,出国去买个饼子! 2018-02赞 回复@静默读书时间 表情0/300发表评论 其他用户评论 听友93617386 好久去买个饼子尝尝。 2018-02回复赞 静默读书时间 回复 @听友93617386: 呵呵,出国去...
three kings day德文应该叫Dreikönigstag,或者heilige Drei Koenige,1月6号。是天主教的传统节日。每年1月6日的三圣节(Heilige Drei Könige),又称三王节,在德国的巴-符州,巴伐里亚州和萨克森-安哈尔特州为法定节假日。三圣节是进入新年后的第一个宗教节日。相传在耶稣诞生后,来自...
on the 12th day after Jesus was born, the three wise men finally arrived with their gifts. Organizers said the winter weather just added to the magic of the story of three kings, who made their way across the desert to deliver gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn baby in his man...
on the 12th day after Jesus was born, the three wise men finally arrived with their gifts. Organizers said the winter weather just added to the magic of the story of three kings, who made their way across the desert to deliver gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn baby in his man...
Marini celebrates Three Kings Day which commemorates the day the three wise men brought gifts to baby Jesus. Other family traditions include not putting gifts under the Christmas tree before December 25th and eating a Christmas Eve dinner of...
1月6日是传统的三王节 (Three Kings Day) ! El Museo del Barrio的三王日游行这个传统可以追溯到40多年前。今年的庆祝活动将以线上的方式进行,届时会有各种精彩热闹的家庭表演,来庆祝这个传统节日。演出时间从...