and Ruth W. Messinger—resonated with two fundamental social justice messages in the Jewish tradition. The first is that the stranger (gerin Hebrew), the one who is different, has much to contribute and should not be vilified. The second is that as Jews we are responsible for creating a b...
Holocaustwarweapons of mass destructionethicsBibleJewish thoughtCan the traditional Jewish theological or legal principles provide a moral view on the modern issue of mass destruction? If so, what kind of ethical principlesdoi:10.1017/CBO9780511606861.022...
A famous example is a Jewish gentleman in the USA who publicly swore that if he didn’t come through on a commitment he made, he would donate a four-figure financial sum to the Ku Klux Klan. He came through. What can you do to, today, to overcome your wanna-do reluctance? *Still...
on the traditional moral values of the Greeks and Romans, and thereby on the Greeks and Romans themselves, a systematic attack that was initially undertaken mainly by the Jewish masses due to the hatred and resentment that they felt toward Greek and Roman overlords against whom they were not ...
jewglers and hola, affinity groups for jewish and latinx employees, quickly pledged their support for google's muslim group. according to the wall street journal, members of one mailing list brainstormed whether there might be ways to “leverage” google's search results to surface ways of ...
Surrounding him was the Sanhedrin, the Jewish law of the day. Paul noticed the garb of the Pharisees (those who believed in life after death and the resurrection of the dead) filled one part of the court, while in another the distinct garb of the Sadducees (those who believed in no ...
he asks whether Christians can still contend that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of all peoples, or whether precisely this view of Jesus led to the persecution of the Jewish people for centuries and must now be relinquished. He explores the meaning of Jesus’ fulfillment (as ...
Jewish and Christian commentators were, of course, aware of such passages, but interpreted them away as figures of speech or concessions to the ignorance of the people. But if the question to be asked is whether God exists outside of time, then such an explanation only begs it. Suppose ...
Ernst Jünger on War for the sake of War43Ernst Jünger On Nationalism and the Jewish Question [843] If one considers the two movements of national aspirations in our time—on the one hand the traditionally tinged one, in which civic, legitimistic, reaction-ary, and economic tones merge or...
Others, such as the turkey and the muscovy duck are today both accepted as kosher by a large segment of the Jewish people. But their historical trail to the Jewish table was quite different. There is almost no opposition in the responsa literature to the turkey, yet the muscovy had to ...