[7] that any equation of the form P11uxx+P22uyy+P33utt+2P12uxy+2P13utx+2P23uty=0,where Pij=Pij(ut,ux,uy) are arbitrary functions, that is integrable in the sense of hydrodynamic reductions, possesses four local first-order conservation laws with coefficients independent of t, x, and y...
The evolution of lithospheric mantle after the Variscan collision stage was independent of the major geological structures which form the crustal part of the orogen. Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that ...
Among the six carboxylate groups of the mellitate anion, five form coordination bonds to six lanthanum atoms. The two independent lanthanum ions are both nine-coordinate and the configuration around lanthanum is a tricapped trigonal prism with the La-O bond distances ranging from 2.457 Å to ...
PopSet: 219552572) and ArgK (FJ235392.1-FJ235415.1, PopSet: 219552403). OneEpicephalaspecies,Epicephalasp. exPhyllanthus koniamboensis, and three non-EpicephalaGracillariids were used as outgroups:Cuphodes diospyrosell, Melanocercops ficuvorellaandStomphastis labyrinthica. ...
Three independent studies of the molecular structure of CdBr 2 by means of gas-phase electron diffractionExperimental/ cadmium compoundsgas phase electron diffractioninorganic molecule configurations/ molecular structureCdBr 2gas-phase electron diffraction...
All identical particles are inherently correlated from the outset, regardless of how far apart their creation took place. In this paper, this fact is used for extraction of entanglement from independent particles unaffected by any interactions. Specifica
Here we report the first three-dimensional structure of a higher plant photosystem II core dimer determined by electron crystallography at a resolution sufficient to assign the organization of its transmembrane helices. The locations of 34 transmembrane helices in each half of the dimer have been dedu...
et al. Fast and versatile sequence-independent protein docking for nanomaterials design using RPXDock. PLoS Comput. Biol. 19, e1010680 (2023). CAS Google Scholar Brunette, T. et al. Exploring the repeat protein universe through computational protein design. Nature 528, 580–584 (2015). CAS ...
While the adenosine base appears well defined with only slightly elevated temperature values (B-factors), the latter increase sharply towards the phosphate groups (Supplementary Fig. 11). The different conformations adopted by the phosphates together with the lack of reliable electron density for the ...
Analysis of the transgenic plants showed that six of the nine lines represented independent integration events, with a transgene copy number ranging between one and four. The CCD1-10 and CCD1-12 lines, as well as the CCD1-15, CCD1-17, and CCD1-19 lines were considered clonal (Additional...