This same process can be applied to any number of decimal places. We typically discuss decimal places with a place value: the 1st number to the right of the decimal point is the tenths place; the 2nd decimal is the hundredths place; the 3rd decimal place is the thousandths place; followed...
Notice that the tens, ones, tenths, and hundredths columns are all lined up. As long as we keep the decimals lined up the rest of the columns will be lined up appropriately as well! Step 2:Add numbers, column by column, right to left, regrouping when necessary. Include a decimal plac...
How do I do decimal long division? Find the value of 90 - 9 + 123456789. How can one balance chemical equations with given oxidation numbers? What base system is the Roman numeral system? Tamar is thinking of a number in the hundredths...
Check whether there is any value of a for which 4^a ends with the digit zero. How many times greater is the digit in the tenths place than in the hundredths place? Round to the indicated decimal place. 63.98471 (to three de...