Zoro's eye flashes red and a purple aura (green after obtaining Enma) surrounds his entire body while his swords are infused with Armament Haki. He then blitzes the opponent at high speeds, usually breaking apart the ground that he propelled himself off of. The effect of this attack leaves...
双语格林童话:一只眼、两只眼和三只眼One-eye,two-eyes,andthree-eyes It so befell that once when they were all standing together by the tree, a young knight came up. "Quick, Two-eyes," cried the two sisters, "creep under this, and don't disgrace us!" and with all speed they turned...
A camera catches an image of an object and records this image in miniature on a small piece of film. Similarly, when you look at something, each eye takes in what it sees and sends this image to the back of the eyeball. From each eye, an optic nerve then sends the image to the ...
and in an instant all was gone. Two-eyes now awakened One-eye, and said, "One-eye, you want to take care of the goat, and go to sleep while you are doing it, and in the meantime the goat might run all over the world. Come, let us go home again." So they went home, and ...
The video footage shows all kinds of Marine debris left behind after the tide has gone out. The author drew eye symbols on rocks with mineral colors on a beach full of garbage, and placed suitable rocks on the beach facing the sea by natural gravity, forming a form of looking at each ...
But Two-Eyes knew what was in One-Eye’s mind, and drove the goat into high grass and said, “Come, One-Eye, we will sit down, and I will sing something to you.” One-Eye sat down, and was tired with the unaccustomed walk and the heat of the sun, and Two-Eyes sang constantly...
coin- a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: threepence [ˈθrepəns]N(Brit) →trespeniquesmpl ...
Minami, "Prospective comparison of one-piece and three-piece Tecnis aspheric intraocular lenses: 1-year stability and its effect on visual function," Current Eye Research, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 930-935, 2015.Miyata K, Kataoka Y, Matsunaga J, et al. Prospective Comparison of One-Piece and...
This is where designers intervene and style pet furniture, making it modern, functional and eye-catching. With this in mind, Nendo has designed a highly contemporary dog accessory collection for Japanese lifestyle Pen Magazine. Named “Heads or Tails“, the three pieces shaping a geometrical ...
● Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。 公式140 时间/距离/价值/重量等+单数谓语 表示时间、距离、重量等的复数名词常作为一个整体看待,作主语时谓语动词需用单数。 ● A thousand miles is a very long distance.1,000英里是一段很长的距离。