Those three empty words这三个空洞的字眼 Will lonely make your words只会让你更加孤独 I'm tired I can't take it any more我累了 我不愿继续这样 Those three empty words这三个空洞的字眼 Will lonely make your words只会让你更加孤独 We're tired we can't take it any more我们都累了 我们都不...
I won't keep on saying those three empty words因为我不愿空洞的说着我爱你 We don't have to keep on saying those three empty words我们不必只是嘴上说着我爱你 Oh I can't keep on saying those three empty words我不会再空洞的说着我爱你 ...
Shawn Mendes《Three Empty Words (歌词版)》MV在线看!Shawn Mendes 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Three Empty Words - Shawn Mendes (肖恩·蒙德兹) Written by:Shawn Mendes/Scott Harris/Geoffrey Warburton I'll pick you up at the same time At the same place the same old drive We'll just talk about our day To try to fill the awkward tonight We'll play the songs we used ...
发现《Three Empty Words》 生活 日常 纯音乐 欧美音乐 背景音乐 MV BGM 音乐 欧美MV 游戏音乐 小视频 欧美现场听好听的挺好 发消息 关注1 英文歌 1/4 创建者:onthe_way 收藏 【音乐原声】 Three Empty Words 30播放 【MV】Lemon Tree(柠檬树)原版MV 110.5万播放 【真挚】她说这首歌适合两个人日落的...
Three Empty Words - Shawn Mendes (肖恩·蒙德兹) Written by:Shawn Mendes/Scott Harris/Geoffrey Warburton I'll pick you up at the same time At the same place the same old drive We'll just talk about our day To try to fill the awkward tonight We'll play the songs we used ...
Three Empty Words 生活 日常 MV 游戏音乐 欧美MV 音乐 BGM 背景音乐 纯音乐 欧美音乐 小视频 欧美现场评论0 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布听好听的挺好 发消息 关注1 英文歌 1/4 创建者:onthe_way 收藏 【音乐原声】 Three Empty Words 26播放 【MV】Lemon Tree(柠檬树)原版MV ...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《Albrey-Three Empty Words》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
所属专辑:单曲循环 声音简介 每天一首能让你单曲循环一天的歌! 音频列表 1 Albrey-影子 387 2016-10 2 Albrey-Three Empty Words 437 2016-10 3 Albrey-riptide 312 2016-10 4 Albrey-Like a fool 277 2016-10 5 Albrey-leaving 278 2016-10 ...