A new bar opened up in my town last weekend, and I went to the opening. It was more of a high school reunion that I expected, which was overwhelming. I need to figure out where to go to meet people who aren’t the guy I married (and subsequently divorced because he wanted kids an...
As we finished our 4th drink, I told The Kid I had to get home. The truth was, I couldn’t stand myself much longer. The Kid however, due to some cruel twist of fate, seemed to be enjoying my worst-i-ness. The Kid: “I had an amazing time. Can we get together this weekend?
The plan was to head off around 13.30, so roughly half-a-day to get things done. There were more bargains to be had, simply because dealers wanted to get rid of stock. I came across a stand with 12-inch singles for €1 each and bought about 15 of them, including singles from theB...
The weekend will witness a super-rapid event which has ten rounds and a time control of 25 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move. Top players like Matthew Sadler, Rustam Kasimdzhanov, David Howell, Alex Lenderman and many other grandmasters will fight it out for the top prize of £2...
math teacher music teacher science teacher Chinese teacher three new teachers strong active funny strict smart Monday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday weekend make the bed do homework do housework wash the clothes empty the trash mutton cabbage eggplant healthy fresh air-conditioner closet bridge forest in fro...
I took a nice little 3 1/2 day weekend and headed north. Mesa Verde is only 250 miles from Albuquerque (I should freaking go every weekend), so not “far”, but too far to ride the Empulse R unless I wanted to take a few more days off work—which is what I will do next time...
“Hello, Caroline, it’s nice to talk to you, too. Yes, thanks, I’ve had a great weekend.” Okay, now, hold on. You had sex with your brother’s widow just days after he died, then you did it again right after the funeral, then you were like, by the way, I have all your...
We open the chapter with Finch and Abby sitting outside the dorm, talking about his weekend conquest, whom he’s just using for free drinks. Finch being the only gay character in the book, I can’t quite tell if I should be offended at the stereotype of the gay man who dates shallowl...
Last weekend, D was out of town at a wedding and I was hosting a bunch of friends for L’s birthday. We didn’t really talk the whole time, but again, I attributed it to us both having plans and doing our own thing. When D got home on Sunday, we caught up on the phone and ...