wield,动词,表示施加。 Evergrande has already missed several offshore-bond payments and could, after a 30-daygraceperiod, officiallydefaulton October 23rd. ▶ grace,名词,这里表示宽限期。 ▶ default,动词,这里表示负债,拖欠。 第三段: That would furtherdrainconfidence from the housing market and ...
The Struts never denied their classic rock influences -- singer Luke Spiller’s obsession with Freddie Mercury made that impossible from day one -- but they really only embraced their inner The Darkness with sophomore album ‘Young & Dangerous.’ Meaning that they stopped trying too hard to be ...
passage at leastthree timesandeach day gather one thought about this psalm that points to God’s character [...] lordsgrace.ca lordsgrace.ca 現在細讀這篇三次,本週每日如是,但每天掌握詩 中有關神的美善之一作默想,然後化所得為讚美的
The Day of the Jackal वॉचलिस्ट 6.4The Electric Horseman वॉचलिस्ट 7.6The Taking of Pelham One Two Three वॉचलिस्ट 7.0The Way We Were वॉचलिस्ट 7.7Condor वॉचलिस्ट 7.4बु...
If, by some miracle, I were granted three seeing days, to be followed by a relapse into darkness, I should divide the period into three parts. 如果,由于某种奇迹,我被赋予三天能看见东西的日子,然后在沉陷到黑暗之 中,我将把这段时间分为三部分来用。 The First Day On the first day, I shoul...
intodarkness,Ishoulddividetheperiodintothreeparts. 如果,由于某种奇迹,我被赋予三天能看见东西的日子,然后在沉陷到黑暗之中, 我将把这段时间分为三部分来用。 TheFirstDay Onthefirstday,Ishouldwanttoseethepeoplewhosekindnessandgentlenessand companionshiphavemademylifeworthliving.FirstIshouldliketogazelongupon ...
and one candle will burn the entire period. However, even blessed candles will not light in the houses of the godless, yet once the candle is lit by one in the state of grace, it will not burn out until the three day’s darkness is over. This “great event” will usher in peace ...
trading day of each week and a reportable short position must be reported within 2 business days after the reporting day. legco.gov.hk (b) 除非是在規定每日申報的公告正有效的情況下,否則申 報日是在每星期的最後一個周日,而須申報淡倉須在申 報日之後的 2 個營業日內申報。 legco.gov.hk With...
Kavenaugh said to Frederick Joyce, attorney for Morris, "Certainly your client knew that a late payment beyond the six-month grace period" would result in cancellation of the licenses. He also questioned Mr. Joyce's statement that Morris was "inordinately concerned" about the lack of a ...
This period of confusion foreshadows the resurrection of Christ, who rose on the third day, bringing clarity and victory over sin and death. The inability of the Philistines to solve the riddle without external help highlights human limitations and the need for divine revelation. Persons / Places...