Three Colors: Red Juliette Binoche, Julie Delpy, Irène Jacob 10 votes Three Colors: Red, the final installment of Krzysztof Kieślowski's trilogy, is a mesmerizing experience mixing drama, romance, and a touch of mystery. With rich visuals and thought-provoking themes, the movie encompasses th...
Full of bright colors and coated with an extra virgin olive oil marinade, you might think this recipe requires elaborate preparation, but it really couldn’t be any easier when you follow the steps below! Prepare the Produce.Use a sharp knife to slice the tomatoes into halves and cut the ...
I made this tonight with canned beans, non-alcoholic beer, 28 oz tomatoes; toppings were grated sharp cheddar cheese, chopped red onions and sour cream. Delicious; best vegetarian chili I’ve ever made and certain the easiest. My jalapeño pepper was rotten (hidden under bags of lettuce) ...
retorted the demon weevil, Boofizzle, who had great knowledge of esoteric codexes pertaining colors purple and beige - the sacred greyish-brown was actually invented by Boofizzle as a wholesome alternative to orange - somebodies purple haze - which Boofizzle considered to really rock space hamsters...
I rationalized buying a new Retina MacBook Pro a few weeks ago by telling myself 1) it's my responsibility to stay on top of new things that affect the web 2)