The naticid gastropod is known to attack its preferred prey size classes (Chiba and Sato, 2016, Kingsley-Smith et al., 2003, Rodrigues et al., 1987), and the size of the borehole (particularly OBD) drilled by the gastropod is also known to be correlated with the size of the individual...
flattened shapes. This allows oxygen and nutrients to pass through their bodies by diffusion. The digestive cavity has only one opening for both ingestion and removal of wastes. These features are distinct for this phylum but they still have three main cell layers namely endoderm, mesoder...
doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year papers, NEET previous year papers, NCERT books for classes 6 to 12, CBSE, Pathfinder Publications, RD Sharma, RS...
The index of niche breadth and the overlap coefficient were calculated to compare the breadth of food habits among the size classes and species groups. The M. urophthalmus mainly preyed on fish scales, detritus and aquatic invertebrates (molluscs and crustaceans). The O. mossambicus and O. ...
Molluscs, annelids and numerous smaller phyla typically share stereo- typed spiral cleavage patterns, cell-fate assignments and characteristic ciliated trochophore larvae, features that originated in the Precambrian era3–5. These spiralian phyla are included in the larger lophotrochozoan clade6 that...
Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium monilatum on survival: grazing and behavioral response of three ecologically important bivalve molluscs. Harmful Algae 9, 281-293.May SP, Burkholder JM, Shumway SE, Hegaret H, Wikfors GH, Frank D (2010) Effects of the 550 toxic dinoflagellate ...
There was a marked difference between the diets of P. rustica and P. aspera due to the fact that the first species forages on a few low lying epilithic and endolithic Cyanophyceae, while P. aspera feeds on a large number of species belonging to all the main algal classes and life ...
Compared with those in arthropods or vertebrates, the molecular features and functional studies of various lectins in molluscs are just at the beginning. In gastropods, several proteins with lectin activity were found in Biomphalaria glabrata [21] and Limax flavus [22], which processed fibrinogen dom...
of each individual. For gastropods, the length of the shell was measured from the apex to the bottom edge of the aperture. These measurements were used to quantify the sizes of individuals used in all experiments, create size classes forC. granularisandH. phrygiana, and to confirm that ...