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4) Three-cell circulation 三圈环流 5) Meridional circulation 经向环流 1. Based on the NCEP reanalysis data, the monsoon meridional circulations over the South China Sea (SCS) from April to June in 20 years (1980—1999) are simulated with the local meridional circulation model. ...
Early steps in the metastatic process include: the of new blood vessels, the initiation of (), and the mobilization of into the circulation. There are ongoing efforts to replicate the physiological landscape of tissue using three-dimensional in vitro culture models; however, few systems are able...
The uniqueness that Schwarzschild first encountered in his discrete formulation of the problem of finding a three-integral distribution function for a triaxial density is real and not an artifact of the finite cell approximation. 关键词: Multiview correspondence registration 3D object recognition ...
Furthermore, leveraging published single-cell RNA sequencing data from PAH patients’ pulmonary arteries [33], we characterized the cell types corresponding to circRNA-enriched host genes in the three PH rat models. The study revealed that in the Hyp model, host genes significantly distributed among...
Offline chemical transport models (CTMs) do not calculate theatmospheric circulation. Instead the wind (and temperature) fields are read in from another source (e.g., meteorological analyses). This has a number of advantages: the model is cheaper to run compared to the full GCM and, importantl...
This paper reviews the three-pattern decomposition of global atmospheric circulation (3P-DGAC) developed in recent years, including the decomposition model and the dynamical equations of global horizontal, meridional, and zonal circulations. Compared with the traditional two-dimensional (2D) circulation de...
Three-dimensional model for the orientation and autonomous mobility of people who cannot see, in open or closed spaces. It consists of a three-dimensional model that reproduces the distribution and contour, distances, places of interest, fixed obstacles and routes for the circulation of the space...
三圈[经向]环流 three-cell [meridional] circulation 大气环流中平均经向环流的简单模式, 由低纬和高纬地区两个直接环流圈及中纬地区一个间接环流圈所组成。 机械 三位控制器 three-step controller 具有三个离散输出值的控制器。 三端测量 three-terminal measure-ment 测量装置有三个端钮接到被测三端元件上,...
The purpose of this study was to develop a fully automated convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm for 3D segmentation of adipose tissue and paravertebral muscle (erector spinae muscles) on chest CT and test it preliminarily using images of patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer (...