Human heads eaten by crows, unidentified and decomposing body parts, and hundreds of corpses piled up and buried in mass graves are all that remained of the victims of the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital. The grim scene was something out of a dystopian movie, the product of the two-week sie...
The Three Moons Initiative is a benevolent faction in the SCP Foundation series. They were originally a group hailing from an alternate version of the Earth that got destroyed, causing them to arrive to the dimension of Corbenic which serves as an afterl
They are growing rapidly in staff, but nothing like the Congress. Andyou don’t have the insidious, legal bribery in the Georgia legislature that is so pervasive in the Congress. That’s a problem that’s becoming much more serious and I don’t believe that it’s going to be corrected ...
Damion on repeatability— as some posters point out, this was exactly the problem I was trying to solve with Puzzle Pirates. Jeremy Liewon well, pretty much everything. If you’re interested in making games and the funding thereof, this is a must-read. ...
This sample lets the avatar named as "Unity chan" behaves same as the man on real time by estimating the 3D positions on the movie. Created with Unity ver 2019.3.13f1. We use Barracuda 1.0.0 to load onnx. Performance Report GPU
It was renamed Roy’s Roadhouse Bar for the movie. No idea why. Mine Shaft Tavern is a better name. +++ A very true sign. The road has a 20 mph speed limit…but it is hard to go faster than 10 mph. Everybody and everything usually walks right down the middle of the road. ... France will happily licensed their last generation reactor to the US, sell the fuel and recycle it for you. They already did this all over the world and that part of the problem.T...
She wants more. So much more. I groan as my body comes alive, and I deepen the kiss, taking everything she has to offer. There’s a desperate quality to her demanding mouth. She’s needy. And I want to be the one to fulfill her need. ...
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Social media isn’t really the problem, it’s just a place for the problem to manifest itself. Uh oh, it’s starting to get serious up in here again. Here: Source: 31 GIFS What Will Make You Laugh Every Time That’s better. That is just the cutest thing. And not unlike how I...