WASH is based on an empirically evaluated treatment program for children with ADHD symptoms and oppositional problem behavior [23] and on a self-help book for parents [19, 24]. This concept has been proven to be effective for families of children with ADHD or other externalizing behavior ...
s work in those books was explicitly devoted to refuting thesource-critical claims of Christian biblical scholarship and to justifying traditionalOn it, see Schochow,Deutsch-jüdische Geschichtswissenschaft,52–53; Mordechai Eliav,“Dasorthodoxe Rabbinerseminar in Berlin: Ziele, Problem und ...
Sparfeldt, J.R.; Buch, S.R.; Wirthwein, L.; Rost, D.H. Zielorientierungen: Zur Relevanz der Schulfächer [Goal orientations: On the relevance of school subjects]. Z. Entwicklungspsychol. Pädagogische Psychol. 2007, 39, 165–176. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Sparfeldt, J.R.; ...