Different citation styles have different rules for in-text citations. Please match the following citation styles with their rules. 第一组数据: 1. IEEE citation style 2. Harvard style 3. uppercase abbreviations style 4. superscripted numbers style 第二组数据: A. The sources are identified ...
Three seductive ideas - Kagan - 1998 () Citation Context ... of music, it is a more circumscribed phenomenon whose central attributes (e.g., the label ‘Mozart effect’, the often-cited references to a specific study) 1 Moscovici and other authors (Bruer, 1999; =-=Kagan, 1998-=-) ...
213 Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 0 Altmetric Listen Review Essay Three works in search of new revelations on communist party USA history David Chambers Pages 771-783 | Received 01 Nov 2024, Accepted 01 Nov 2024, Published online: 04 Dec 2024 Cite this article https://doi.org/...
In vivo imaging of large-scale neuronal activity plays a pivotal role in unraveling the function of the brain's circuitry. Multiphoton microscopy, a powerful tool for deep-tissue imaging, has received sustained interest in advancing its speed, field of view and imaging depth. However, to avoid ...
Entrepreneurial universities play a crucial role in supporting regional economy and addressing social challenges. Despite the significant contributions in
All authors were involved in drafting the article. LF, HL, and MD were involved in the study conception and design. YX and PJ collected the patients’ information. ZL and ML analyzed the ultrasound and MRI results. YQ, XS, YH, YL and GS participated in the experiments and data analysis....
The authors stated that β-carotene was tested as a substrate, but that it was not cleaved in their assay. VvCCD1 isolated from V. vinifera L. cv Pinotage in this study, however, was capable of catalysing the cleavage of lycopene, β-carotene and ϵ-carotene, but not neurosporene and ...
The data presented in the main text of this article are available from the Harvard Dataverse53. All other data are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request. Code availability The codes used for the density functional theory and analytical calculations in this study are availabl...
This work discusses the three-dimensional hybrid system of three metal nano-ellipsoids and semiconductor quantum dot to obtain the energy absorption rate c
Given the varying degrees of corporatization within SCMEs, it would be prudent to refer in the future to Amable and coauthors, and Boyer, who include the major agents of wage–labor relations in their analyses (Berger ed.1981; Amable et al.1997; Boyer1997). Germany represents the Rhineland...