The various species of prairie dog'inhabiting the shortgrass prairie region2 of North America have had a tumultuous history over the last 200 years. Documented during the Lewis and Clark expedition, 3 the prairie dog numbered among the most numerous mammals on thePepper, Christopher...
THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service 50 CFR Part 17 [Docket No. FWS–R1–ES–2014-0038] [4500030113] RIN 1018–BA13 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Status for 16 Species and Threatened Status for 7 Species in Micronesia AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ...
Harris et al (2012) Conserving imperiled species: a comparison of the IUCN Red List and US. Endangered Species Act. Conserv Lett 5:64–72 Article Google Scholar Huang HW (2011) Plant diversity and conservation in China: planning a strategic bioresource for a sustainable future. Bot J Linn ...
Wildlife trade is a key driver of the biodiversity crisis. Unregulated, or under-regulated wildlife trade can lead to unsustainable exploitation of wild populations. International efforts to regulate wildlife mostly miss ‘lower-value’ species, such as
Government of Jamaica.2000. The endangered species (conservation and regulation of trade) act, 2000. Available in the internet at:,%20etc.%20Act.pdf. Graham, A.2003a. Historical phytogeography of the Greater Antilles...
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule to List the Riparian Brush Rabbit and the Riparian, or San Joaquin Valley, Woodrat as Endangered. This is a title only record which contains no abstract. Please see the bibliographic details to the right. US Fish,W Service - US Fish ...
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ (or The IUCN Red List) has a long established history as the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of plant and animal species. It is based on an objective system of assessing the risk of extinction for a...
The impressive diversity of life forms on the planet Earth and their distribution over the globe have always aroused the wonder and curiosity of many scientists and enthusiast naturalists. The term biodiversity, or biological diversity, indicates precisely all of these life forms. The history of biod...
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is essential for practical and theoretical efforts to protect biodiversity. However, species classified as “Data Deficient” (DD) regularly mislead practitioners due to their uncertain extinction risk. Here we pre