维基的一切改动都可以恢复。 帮助中心 勇于探索 觉得其他页面好看吗? 点开边栏中的“编辑源代码” 学习他们的经验。 wikitext指南 融入社区 加入编辑组446449482 与魔兽维基和整个灰机维基 的同志们say hi~ 加入编辑组 魔兽世界设定属于暴雪娱乐所有。 本维基中文字内容遵守CC BY-NC-SA 3.0共享协议。请勿与协议不...
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unsuspicious_Rabbit There's a lot of rabbits in GW2 and most of them are not suspicious, so the fact that this one feels the need to go out of it's way to tell the player it's not suspicious makes me very suspicious. There is also that mysterio...
yet she also vindictively threatened to throw Sam (and Dean) into“the empty”, aka the “void”. So now Sam and Dean have to fear dying because there is fate worse than Hell?
The End of the Universe: Heat Death and the Fate of Matter Dear PF Forum Can I ask something quoted from a closed thread? In a closed thread: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/predicted-heat-death-of-the-universe.824652/ This quote was presented by a Brian Cox. A scientist? And...
The following is a very interesting naturalistic thesis on death and the fate of subjectivity. The author is Thomas W. Clark, a secular humanist among the likes of Richard Dawkins and the late Carl Sagan. If you would like to skip ahead to the main points, begin reading from the second ...
If you're looking to complete Hunter objectives, have a look at this page on the DDO Wiki, which includes links to lists of monsters found in each Monster Manual. (Finally, a word to the wise - finishing the entire Monster Manual is a gargantuan undertaking, and requires hitting a couple...
This is something that I'm not sure if I can make happen just by using the Skills, States, or maybe even Common Events, but I was wondering if it is possible to set up a specific in battle revival skill that would be based somewhat off the revival skill in the game Fate/ Grand Ord...
His diaphragm shivers from both the physical change and the hidden dread he’s experiencing internally at not being able to escape the fate of the Black Goat’s Egg - almost as if his own body is betraying him in revealing to the world to what he sees is a poisonous mind with a physic...
"Disappointingly, accounts of the nature and fate of Germany’s alcohol industry during the war are rare, possibly due to the localized nature of it. Beer in particular was still a decentralized industry, with most decently sized towns possessing at least one or two breweries. Likely a vestige...
Adventures of all kinds await in Destructoid High. Depending on who she chooses to befriend, she may travel through time and space, witness a basketball game to decide the fate of the human race, or even die. Considering that last one...is it too late to transfer schools? Features ...