RE: Run a timer on a different thread Guess you are doing some thing in wrong. Now, change the code so that the file manipulation is done on a seperate thread and let the timer be on the main thread. So that you have control on both the process. By doing this, you are file handl...
If there is a A thread timer expired n.nnnnnn seconds ago message, for any VRRP instance that is in master state and for which it is now more than three advert intervals since it last sent an advert, the VRRP instance transitions to backup state, since another system may have taken over...
For System.Timers.Timer, on separate thread, if SynchronizingObject is not set. static System.Timers.Timer DummyTimer = null; static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("Main Thread Id: " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); DummyTimer = new System.Timers....
The timer was destroyed on the main thread, but its thread is the streamer-mode thread. Nerixyz added 2 commits August 29, 2024 16:21 fix(streamer-mode): destroy timer on correct thread Verified 6e8a371 chore: add changelog entry Verified 77a8da6 pajlada approved these changes Aug 29...
You can process data (in your case "i") in background thread and update UI using timer.Saturday, June 2, 2012 8:28 PMYour code is a mess. You do just about everything that shouldn't be done in a threaded application. What do you want to do? That is, what is the end result ...
在传送的指令后面添加上SetOnTimer 2 1 就可以了.这里 SetOnTimer 是开启定时器. 2 : 是代表开启的...
Programmable On-Off TimerOnOff
Application Server Administration Service Timer Job fail. on my WFE1 , WFE2, and Serarch Server . i have showing times jobs staus and it haveing fail stauts on all my server. pl...
any one knows how to use timer output compare on MC9S08SG8 Labels: General 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 Reply 11-09-2015 09:54 AM 824 Views vicentegomez NXP TechSupport Hi Please check the attached files...
- Process data in background thread - Update user interface using timer - Update speed can be changed (FPS) prettyprint 复制 Public Class Form1 Dim FPS As Integer = 100 Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim lblCounter As Label Dim btnStart As Button Dim timer As Timer Dim Thread1 As System.Th...