Matter vs. Thread Both Matter and Thread are exceptional technologies, but Matter relies on Thread. As Thread devices eliminate the need to visit the application layer for the Matter devices, it serves as an indispensable element of the Matter network. Not to forget its relevant benefits, like ...
一些采用Thread作为数据传输的应用标准(如Matter)会助力于低功耗蓝牙这个无处不在的无线网络标准,让用户使用如手机等的流动设备,为新买回来的终端设备进行入网,提供更直观和顺畅的体验。 Thread VS Wi-Fi:Thread 设备的响应时间与 Wi-Fi 并驾齐驱,而且可以搭建比Wi-Fi覆盖范围更大的网络,同时,我们知道Wi-Fi搭建...
一些采用Thread作为数据传输的应用标准(如Matter)会助力于低功耗蓝牙这个无处不在的无线网络标准,让用户使用如手机等的流动设备,为新买回来的终端设备进行入网,提供更直观和顺畅的体验。 Thread VS Wi-Fi:Thread设备的响应时间与Wi-Fi并驾齐驱,而且可以搭建比Wi-Fi覆盖范围更大的网络,同时,我们知道Wi-Fi搭建智能家...
在上一篇文章中,我们简单地对 matter 所使用对用的通讯协议做了简单的科普。但作为数据包的搬运工,通讯协议很大程度上决定了智能家居设备的稳定性和相应速度。蓝牙和 Wi-Fi 相信大家已经非常熟悉了,而 Thread 相对于我们更加陌生,因此在本篇中我们会详细介绍并且剖析 Thread 协议的运作机制。
一些采用Thread作为数据传输的应用标准(如Matter)会助力于低功耗蓝牙这个无处不在的无线网络标准,让用户使用如手机等的流动设备,为新买回来的终端设备进行入网,提供更直观和顺畅的体验。 Thread VS Wi-Fi:Thread 设备的响应时间与 Wi-Fi 并驾齐驱,而且可以搭建比Wi-Fi覆盖范围更大的网络,同时,我们知道Wi-Fi搭建...
The following example demonstrates an error that causes the system to throw a ThreadStateException. The example starts a thread and then attempts to start the thread again. It doesn't matter whether the thread is still running or has already terminated; it cannot be restarted, and a ThreadStat...
The following example demonstrates an error that causes the system to throw a ThreadStateException. The example starts a thread and then attempts to start the thread again. It doesn't matter whether the thread is still running or has already terminated; it cannot be restarted, and a ThreadStat...
if(USART_GetITStatus(USART3, USART_IT_IDLE)) //no matter how many data received from serial port. the interrupt is only triggered at IDLE moment. { DMA_Cmd(DMA1_Stream1, DISABLE); DMA_Init_Rx((u32)&USART3->DR, (u32)g_rx_buff); //relocate the RX buffer address. ...
Investor Relations Press Room Privacy and Terms Site Feedback Copyright © 2025 Silicon Laboratories. All rights reserved. Also of Interest: Managing Coexistence Between Wi-Fi, Zigbee,... Benchmarking Bluetooth Mesh vs Thread vs... Matter vs Z-Wave: What You Need to Know...
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