private synchronized StackTraceElement[] getOurStackTrace() { // Initialize stack trace field with information from // backtrace if this is the first call to this method if (stackTrace == UNASSIGNED_STACK || (stackTrace == null && backtrace != null) /* Out of protocol state */) { int d...
BOOLSetThreadpoolStackInformation( [in, out] PTP_POOL ptpp, [in] PTP_POOL_STACK_INFORMATION ptpsi ); 参数 [in, out] ptpp 指向指定线程池的TP_POOL结构的指针。CreateThreadpool函数返回此指针。 [in] ptpsi 指向TP_POOL_STACK_INFORMATION结构的指针,该结构指定池中线程的堆栈保留和提交...
The thread environment block contains the Thread’s stack information:0:000> !tebTEB at 7ffdf0000:000> dt _NT_TIB stackBase StackLimit 7ffdf000ThreadStack!_NT_TIB+0x004 StackBase : 0x00250000 Void+0x008 StackLimit : 0x0024e000 Void...
union thread_union { struct thread_info thread_info; unsigned long stack[THREAD_SIZE/sizeof(long)]; }; #define THREAD_SIZE 16384 #define THREAD_START_SP (THREAD_SIZE - 16) 内核定义了一个thread_union的联合体,联合体的作用就是thread_info和stack共用一块内存区域。而THREAD_SIZE就是内核栈的大小...
The thread environment block contains the Thread’s stack information:0:000> !tebTEB at 7ffdf0000:000> dt _NT_TIB stackBase StackLimit 7ffdf000ThreadStack!_NT_TIB+0x004 StackBase : 0x00250000 Void+0x008 StackLimit : 0x0024e000 Void...
* 定义 FinSH 线程的栈大小为 4KB */#define FINSH_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 4096/* 定义命令字符长度为 80 字节 */#define FINSH_CMD_SIZE 80/* 开启 msh 功能 */#define FINSH_USING_MSH/* 默认使用 msh 功能 */#define FINSH_USING_MSH_DEFAULT/* 最大输入参数数量为 10 个 */#define FINSH_ARG_MAX ...
Information in this document applies to any platform. Recently upgraded from version 8.0.17 to 8.0.19. Also had a hardware upgrade, from 256GB to 1TB RAM.GoalThe following error is showing upThread stack overrun: 64565540920 bytes used of a 524288 byte stack, and 20000 bytes needed. Use '...
参数是 RT_NULL *线程栈是 thread1_stack *优先级是 200, 时间片是 10 个 OS Tick */ result = rt_thread_init(&thread1, "thread1", thread1_entry, RT_NULL, &thread1_stack[0], sizeof(thread1_stack), 200, 10); /* 启动线程 */ if (result == RT_EOK) rt_thread_startup(&thread1...
version-showRT-Thread version information list_thread-list thread …… 运行hello 命令,运行结果如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 msh/>hello hello RT_Thread!msh/> 导出有参数的命令时,函数的入参为 int argc 和 char**argv。argc 表示参数的个数,argv 表示命令行参数字符串...
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