performSelector(inBackground:with:) 只能传一个参数,多个参数要打包 手动管理内存 -> wrap every thing in an autorelease pool funcdrawThatPuppy(){self.makeBitmapContext(size:self.bounds.size) 这里打包参数为一个字典letd:[AnyHashable:Any]=["center":center,"bounds":se...
1.3 NSObject 在iOS 和 Mac OS X v10.5 及其之后,所有的对象都可能生成一个新的线程,并用它来执行它任意的方法。方法performSelectorInBackground:withObject:新生成一个脱离的线程,使用指定的方法作为新线程的主体入口点。 比如,你可以使用当前对象创建一个新的线程: 1-(void) myThreadMainMethod 2{ 3printf(...
This technology is available in OS X only and should be avoided for any new development. Instead, you should use the NSThread class or POSIX threads. If you need more information on this technology, see Multiprocessing Services Programming Guide. 一般使用cocoa thread 技术。 Cocoa operation 优点...
Threadsare used in case of multiple applications running at the same particular time few activities might block from one point of time to another. By decomposition into multiple threads that are running in quasi-parallel, the programming model becomes simpler and easier. ...
model, the thread application programming interfaces (APIs) enforce the scheduling policy and decide when a new thread runs. The scheduling policy allows only one thread to be actively running in the process at a time. The operating system kernel is only aware of a single task in the process...
Using TerminateThread API is already notoriously bad in unmanaged programming, here we see another reason not to call it in managed code: if TerminateThread is called on a managed OS thread, among other bad effect (e.g. back out code not executed), CLR will not get thread detach ...
Jeffrey Richteris a cofounder of Wintellect (, a training, debugging, and consulting firm specializing in .NET and Windows technologies. He is the authorof Applied Microsoft.NET Framework Programming(Microsoft Press, 2002) and several programming books on Windows....
The BackgroundWorker and ThreadPool classes enable you to use system-managed background threads in a simple, task-oriented way. For background tasks that return results to the user interface (UI) thread, the simplest programming technique is to use the BackgroundWorker class. The following ... 官网上描述启动流程的文档非常详细,而且我认为RT-Thread已经做得足够傻瓜化了,什么文档、例程啥都给你弄好了,如果认真花点时间好好学习研究是可以学习得非常透彻的,不懂随时论坛和RT-Thread的QQ群及微信群都可以提问,有众多的开发者一起解...